Sunday, July 29, 2012

Let's Go Steal A Sixth Season!


Leverage is in jeopardy of being canceled by TNT after season 5 has aired! We cannot let this happen and as viewers and fans of the show we have the most power to do something about it! The biggest thing we can do is watch watch watch! Make sure you tune in every week to watch Leverage on TNT and even rewatch it again when it airs later that night on TNT because all of those count as views and help boost ratings! Another thing you can do is DVR it! If you know you are not going to be home or are busy during the time Leverage is airing then set it to record on your DVR and watch it later because those views also count towards the ratings of Leverage which TNT looks at to determine if they want to renew it or not. Sadly this may not even be enough if ratings do not increase so another thing you can do is mail postcards to TNT with a message as to why you want them to save Leverage. (This idea is similar to things that have saved such shows as Chuck with the Subway Subs and Community with the pencils) This truly makes a difference to TNT and can majorly help persuade them to save Leverage! While talking to a Producer of Leverage she said that a letter/postcard = a 100 emails. If you can email that is still good and it does help but if you can mail letters and postcards to TNT then that impacts them a lot more. We have started a campaign with sending "Old Nate" postcards to TNT begging them to save Leverage! Please spread the word about this and help the cause. The official address to send the postcards to is as follows:

Leverage on TNT

1010 Techwood Dr. NW

Atlanta, GA 30318

Please right your own personalized message to TNT as to why you want them to save Leverage and it will go a long way! Also if you are active on Facebook and we have a Let's Go Steal A Sixth Season Facebook page that needs more and more likes to get it noticed so please share the page and spread it along!

Facebook page to save Leverage:

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